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School Reflexology Los Angeles | American Academy of Reflexology
Bill Flocco

21 Advantages & Benefits of Attending Reflexology Conferences By Bill Flocco


    • Network with Reflexologists form other towns, cities, regions, states, countries
    • Talk one-on-one with speakers and other leaders in the field
    • Gain updated information to take back home to share with clients or colleagues
    • Lear nnew hands-on techniques by sharing with people from other methods & schools
    • Be among the first to be introduced to the newest trends in the field
    • Meet and break bread with the trendsetters
    • Learn about key issues in legislation, human trafficking, state Reflexology laws
    • Meet those who have been actively dealing with these issues on behalf of you and the field

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A One Page Abstract

Abstract of First Reflexology Research Ever Published In Scientific Medical Journals

First Reflexology Research ever published in scientific medical journals.

The following Abstract appears at the beginning of the Research Study Published in 1993 for readers to gain a quick overview of the study to determine if they would like to look into reading the entire published study.


Randomized Controlled Study Of Premenstrual Symptoms
Treated with Ear, Hand, and Foot Reflexology
by Terry Oleson, Ph.D., and William S. Flocco

Objective: To determine whether reflexology therapy – the application of manual pressure to reflex points on the ears, hands, and feet that somatotopically correspond to specific areas of the body – can significantly reduce premenstrual symptoms compared to placebo treatment. Continue reading

Reflexology For Neck Pain & Range of Motion

A Burbank, California housewife we will call Merl, had a neck so stiff she had to turn her whole body to look either side. After three Reflexology Sessions and some Self-Help Reflexology, Merl regained full range-of-motion of her neck for the first time in twelve years.

This case of relief of pain and stiffness from Reflexology is dramatic only regarding the length of time Merl suffered. It is quite common for people to report relief of neck pain within a few sessions of Reflexology.

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