I went to an Emergency Preparedness workshop in the city where I live (Burbank, California,) where we were told that it is no longer the thinking of local government, police, fire and emergency services for people and their families to be prepared to be self sufficient for three days. They strongly suggested to be prepared for at least a month … a very sobering thought.
Three Day Emergency Disaster Preparedness Is Not Enough
Everyone knows the value of having an emergency kit in cars; some people are well prepared, some are not. Everyone knows the value of having an emergency kit in their home or apartment; some people are well prepared, some are not. But what about for massive emergency disasters?
Most people think,
“It won’t happen to me.”
“I’ll be taken care of by municipal services.”
“It won’t be that long.”
“I’ll get to it later.”
Since for many people, long term Emergency Preparedness is relatively new thinking, you will likely need to be creative in building your emergency plan, checklist, and materials.
Go back to the eNewsletter, 2. Checklists For Different Types Of Disasters.
Depending on different types of Emergency Disasters that might happen where you live or work – you can use them to help you and your loved ones become prepared.
In addition to what we have provided for you in that list of Emergency Preparedness Checklists, you might want to go to several other sources, such as your local city, your county/parish/provincial, and state government offices and/or websites.